Marketing Social Media

The 5 Techniques for Producing High-Viewed YouTube Videos

With over one billion hours of new video content uploaded every day and an average user spending about 40 minutes each day watching videos, it is no wonder why YouTube remains the most popular video-sharing platform on the internet. Brands have taken advantage of this and flocked to the site to market their products. As a brand, creating your own videos on YouTube offers numerous opportunities, whether it is as complementary content to your social media marketing strategy or for selling merchandise directly through your channel. Here are five effective methods for creating YouTube videos that get hundreds of thousands of views to help you get started:

See how this auto YouTube channel and monetization program can generate ad revenue of up to $500 per day! Click here to watch video.

What is a YouTube Channel?

A YouTube channel is YouTube-hosted video content on a particular topic. Creating your own channel enables you to upload video content to a central location, making it easy for subscribers to find and follow your channel. Your channel’s home page displays your latest uploads, making it easy for viewers to stay updated and engaged with your content. Include your channel URL in the description of every video, as it encourages viewers to subscribe to your channel, increases engagement, and increases the chances of your videos appearing on their YouTube feed.

Why Create a YouTube Channel?

Creating a YouTube channel offers numerous benefits. If you are an existing brand, creating a channel allows you to produce video content for your website, taking your marketing to new heights. You can utilize your channel to create tutorials that walk customers through complicated products or procedures. YouTube is also the perfect platform for brands to participate in “Ad Blitz” – a two week period in October when many brands increase their video ad spending on YouTube. You can create videos beforehand, and upload them during this period to reap the benefits of increased ad revenue.

Technique 1: Use Compelling Branding in Your Video’s Thumbnail

Your video’s thumbnail image is the first thing people see when browsing through YouTube videos. Invest time in ensuring that the thumbnail is visually appealing, includes your brand’s logo or mascot, and is related to the video’s content. This not only captures viewers’ attention but also makes it easy for people to find your channel when searching for related keywords. Remember, an enticing YouTube thumbnail can significantly impact your video’s views, likes, and comments.

Technique 2: Produce Quality Content

Quality should always triumph quantity when it comes to creating engaging content. Avoid getting caught up in the idea of daily uploads and uploading low-quality videos just to maintain your quota. Instead, focus on producing high-quality videos that keep your audience engaged. Once you establish a rhythm, it becomes easier to continue producing content on a regular basis.

Technique 3: Leverage Google Adwords and Paid Advertising

Create a channel to connect with your target audience and determine what interests them. You can then utilize paid advertising to target specific demographic groups. Google Adwords enables you to target based on location, interests, device preferences, and even demographics such as millennials and mums. Choose what type of ad to run, such as a video ad, and include a YouTube link to it that plays during your ad. This way, people can click directly to your YouTube channel.

Technique 4: Ask Your Current Audience to Watch Your Videos

Your audience, who are already engaged with your brand, can effectively promote your new videos to their social networks. Encourage them to share the videos and tag their friends in the comments section. This approach reaches out to people who are more likely to click through to your video and helps get your video in front of people who need to see it the most. Do not hesitate to promote your YouTube channel numerous times to boost its visibility.

Technique 5: You Do Not Need Millions of Views to Make an Ad Profitable

Several people think a video must receive a considerable number of views to be profitable. While this is true in most cases, you do not need millions of views to make an ad profitable. With YouTube, you can set a cost-per-view or cost-per-click for your ad campaign. Payment is made only when someone watches your ad for 30 seconds or more. However, this will happen only if someone is on the site, scrolling through their feed and watching videos before pausing to watch your ad. If they do, you get paid.

In conclusion

Creating your YouTube channel can engage your audience and direct more traffic to your site. YouTube ads receive nearly 98% more views than normal display ads, making it a great strategy to access new customers. Optimize your channel before uploading your first video to make it more accessible to viewers. Doing so will increase your viewership and subscriptions in minimal time.

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